The Nashua Reporter from Nashua, Iowa (2024)

THE IOWA: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1934. Thur. Fri. Sat. pound Red Pepper for Prunes, 2 and 3 25c voultry feeding 20c can Mother's 21c Something new for deep fryand pie and cake bak- Lb.

Fancy Colby 19c ing ing. Jelke Good Luck Lb. Wisconsin 18c Shortening. 2 lbs. 25c 2 lbs.

Dates. 19c No. can Royal Ann 3 pkgs Noodles. Macaroni Cherries 19c Spaghetti 17c or No. can Apricots 2.lbs.

Bulk Peanut 23c 15c 2 2 cans Broken Seg25c 1-lb. glass pantry jar ments Grapefruit. Coffee, 32c; 3 lbs. 89c These are delicious Ly bottle Snyder's Catsup 17c 15-02 can Import for Decker's Pint bottle Taylor Grave emergency 25c Style Frankfurters. Juice 15c your of Mazola 35c 2 cans La Choy Chow Quart of Mazola Oil 20c Mein Noodles 35c Pint Banner Oatmeal 15c 2 bottles La Choy Imported Large pkg Brown Sauce 35c 10 bars Big Four or Soap 23c 2 No.

2 cans Strongheart Royal Bean Sprouts 25c 4 bars Lifebuoy Soap 25c Can Libby's Roast Beef 19c 3 bars Camay or Palm Oscar Olive Soap 15c 15c Imported King Sardines Pkg. Crystal White Scap 10c Imported Norwegian Flakes 12c Sardines, 2 for 15c $1.00 Worth of Cane Sugar 79c No. cans Tomatoes 10-15c 4 lbs. Brown Sugar 21c Large can KC Baking Pow. 21c Oranges.

doz 23c 32c 5 cans Van Camp Pork 3 lbs. Bananas 21c Beans 25c 5 lbs. Red Onions 15c 5 cans of Corn 25c New Cabbage, Carrots. Celery. S-oz.

bottle imit. Vanilla. 15c Radishes. Spinach. Caulif'r.

2 13-oz bottles skinless preerved Figs 25c Blue Ribbon Flour. $1.59 4-lb. pkg Thompson Seed- Happy Boy Flour $1.75 less Raisins 29c Flour $1.89 NEW MERCHADISE IN! LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTS Curtain Material. Fancy Patterns. Fast Color.

Ladies' and Misses' Bloomers, Panties and Shorts Ladies' Slips 79c and $1.25 Ladies' Dancing Sets 69c and $1.25 Sec our New Line of Kabo Corsets. Corsetlette and Roll-Ons. Phone 50 Meier Bros. NASHUA'S BUSY STORE NEVER DISAPPOINTS YOU SURE IT IS AT OUR SOME HOUSE. OLD COOK, MARY, MAN, MARY KNOWS DA? YOU GET MY MEAT.

MEAT COOKED LIKE THIS Our MEATS' will satisfy the most fastidious guest or the fussiest husband Casey's Market For All kinds of Meat Phone 19 Located at E. F. Meyer's Grocery LOCAL ITEMS Try Rust first. ti Dr. F.

C. Roach, Veterinarian. Office at. P'eterson's Feed Barn. Telephone 24.

tt Specialtics Swinton Sisters, Mr. chalk: talk. March 9. Activity building. 1 Friends here have been advised that Sirs.

Mary Miller. formerly of Nashua, who lives with her daughter. Mrs. Carrie Reich, in New Hampton. had fallen and cut gash in her head.

and as she is quite aged. her condition may prove serious. A daughter was born Feh. 25 to Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Litter-: er are the parents of a daughter. born Feb.

27th. Mr. and Mrs. W. G.

Townsend and son Emerson of Waverly were guests Sunday at the Chas. Pierce home. D. D. Gotschall was able to return to his work at Baumbach's store last Friday, after being laid up almost a week with 3 severe coli.

NOTICE OF ELECTION To the Electors of the Incorporated Town of Vista. Iowa: In accordance with a resolution duly and legally passed and adopted by the Town Council of Alta Vista. Iowa. you are hereby notified that General Election of the Town of Alta Vista. lowa, to be held on the 26th day of March, 1934.

the following proposition will be submitted to the electors of the Town of Alta Vista. Iowa, on a separate ballot. 10-wit: "Shall the Town of Aita Vista, Iowa, erect. rebuild. remodel and cOntplete a town hall to be used for general community purposes.

in cluding assembly hall. auditorium. armory, council chambers. and offices, water works office, fire or police sta- Yes tion. or for any one ox more of such purposes and apply the necessary funds now in or hereafter coming into the Town No fall fund in payment of same?" election will be held in unsaid Town Hali in Alta Vista.

lowa, and the polls will be open at A. M. and close at P. M. Dated this 6th day of March.

1934. 31-3 C. A. WHITE. Mayor, GEORGE B.

LOFY, Clerk. I. G.A. Specials Thursday Friday Saturday Prunes. 40x50 size, 2 lbs.

23c Graham Crackers, 2-lb. box 25c Van Camp's Pork Beans, I. G. A. Tomato Soup, 3 cns 25: Medium size, 4 cans 19c I.

G. A. Med. Red Salmon, Lux, large size, 23c No. 1 tall cans, 2 for 33c Nancy Jan Breakfast Food.

Corn Meal, 10-lb. sack 17c 2-lb. package 14c Boyer Toilet TRY OUR COFFEES Bowl Cleaner Maxwell House 1 can Red 1-lb. 17c Coffee, 1-lb. guaranteed 19c Boyers Drain Red 3-lb.

50c Vacuum pack 33c Pipe Opener 12-07. can 10c Blue 1-lb. 25c Dinner Party Loyers Instant Silver Polish 18K Coffee; 1-1b Coffee, 1-lb. Money Back vacuum packed 33c Vacuum pack 31c Guaranteed -11c '5c Home-made Pics every day, Doughnuts and Cookies Saturdays E. F.

MEYER Phone 6W The Quality Store Sat. Matches, per box 04c Libby's Sweet Chocolate Candy, lb. 12c No. can Raisins, seedless, 3 lbs. 2-lb.

pkg. -15c Van Camp Pork Beans, Brown Sugar, 17c 2 large cans. Green' Tea, 19c Royal 3 Gold Yellow Com, Fancy Bulk Peanut cans, Butter, 2 lbs. 25c Spaghetti, 2 cans Clothespins, 40 for 10c Mop Sticks, each PABST GINGER ALE SLICED DITTO PURE or WHITE SODA BACON for COO Every Use 2 24-oz. 25c Lb.

11c 2-1b can Chickasaw Pancake Flour, Lettuce, solid. 2 for large bag 19c Radishes, 3 large bunches Oil Sardines, 6 cans 25c Green Top Carrots, bunch. 0 Sardines, 3 oval cans Fresh California Soinach, Sugar (with order) 10 lbs. 46c 2 lbs. Decker's Chili Con Carne, Fresh Cocoanuts, each 2 large cans 35c Grapefruit, 4, 5 and 6 for 2 Biscuit Flour, 40-oz.

pkg. 25c California Oranges Toilet Soap, bar, 03c Large, doz. 25c and Williams Shaving Soap cake 5c old Mill Flour $1. Big 4 Soap, 6 bars Arrow Head Flour $1.1 Headquarters for Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh Tomatoe Asparagus, Cauliflower, Radishes, Lettuce, Spinach, Parsnip ON THE ON 'THE RIGHT RIGHT CORNER Bros. Phone 22 PRICE Amos Tucker family have moved a furn near Waverly to a farm near.

Kenneth' and Virginia Kent of Cedar- Rapids spent Sunday. with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wru. Kent.

Mrs. Kent Ray drove Waterloo' Saturday afternoon to meet them. A little daughter, Virginia, was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.

0. Waterman 'at Cedar Rapids Methodist hospital, Friday, March 2. Mrs. Waterman formerly Miss Mary Louise Smith, daughter of Mrs: Lou Smith, who makes her home part of the time with her sister. Mrs.

Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman had 1 only lived a few hours. Both little son born a year ago, but it mother and daughter are doing fine: Council Proceedings The Council of the Town of Nashua met 5.

regular session Waite on Monday. March Mayor and Councilmen Bloom. Corey. Mellinger. Troutner and Tupper were present.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were allowed: Gco. Wedemeyer. salary and expense $60.15 Pioneer Motor sup." .75 H. 0.

Potter, labor 1.13 A. M. Troutner, 1.20 Henry Noble. salary and expense 41.55. John Beatty, labor 7.00 Herman Rodewald.

labor- 6.75 W'. S. Nott supplies- S.75 Nashua Reporter, pub. pro 3.95 and Power 180.86 Moved by Troutner and. seconded by Tupper that the bills be allowed.

Carried by an aye vote of each member present. Moved and. carried that the Treasurer's report for February be accepted and placed on file. Moved and carried to adjourn. D.

B. Grawe. Town Clerk. Batteries 13-PLATE Only $3.75 AND YOUR OLD BATTERY Pennsylvania Oil 40c per gallon IN 5 GALLON LOTS BEINE'S TIRE RANCH One mile east of Plainfield AT THE CHURCHES 'Rust will have it. tr daughter was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Harm Reints, Sunday. March 4th. The Happy' Hour Club will meet with Mrs. Maud Emmons on Thursday afternoon, March S.

Mrs. Lester Meyer was over from Buffalo Center Saturday and Sunday to visit her husband and friends. Theron Stuelke and wife of Winthrop, visited Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Reg. Stuelke. You know boss my toes is So frost-bit doctor says he doan believe I'll eber be able to play the pianer again. No sah: -M. E.

Activity, March 9. The rain Sunday night was timely and good, otherwise that 40-mile March wind Monday would have blown a lot of lowa's rich soil into Missouri and other southern states. Joe Momman and family moved last week from the farm north of Nashua to his farm about a mile east of Ionia. Mr. and Mrs.

Berry have moved onto the farm vacated by Mr. IoNman. Miss Greta Chamberlain, who taught in the Nashua schools last year. has accepted a position in the public schools at Corwith. lowa.

Miss Chamberlain had not been teaching the past few months. The Nashua Little Theater Guild go to Colwell tonight (Wednesday) to present their play "The Adopted Father." The piay is being given for benefit 001. the of the Colwell school. Leland Meyer. a member of the cast.

is now music teacher at Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.

Cummings, formerly of Minnesota. but who nad been spending some time the Clem Riordan home north of Nashua, are moving this week int the H. D. Freeburg place, recently vacated by Ed Gerstenkorn whose wife passed away tire latter part of February. Mr.

Gerstenkorn plans to spend several months visiting at different places. Geo. Younker arrived home on Monday from his trip to Siloams Springs. to visit his brother who was ill. He made the trip with some relatives from Parkersburg, visiting his brother about a week.

and leaving him in an improved condition. They returned to Parkersburg last Thursday, where Geo. visited for a time before returning to Nashua. On the trip to Arkansas. they made the 567 mile drive between 1 2.

m. and p. m. Besides being a clothing salesman at Baumbach's store. D.

B. Gotschall has to act in the role "store dective." keeping his eyes open for "shop-lifters." He caught one red-handed the other day. and you'll probably be as surprised as we were to learn that it was Geo. Morse. D.

caught George just as he going out I the front door. with the string from their wrapping ball trailing. behind him. Of course, George explained that the string had simply caught on his coat. and he didn't know it was there.

as long as it was his first offense, D. let him off without calling in an oficer. Now we have MADE SLICED DREAD AT ALL GROCERS -ASK FOR IT! HOT CROSS BUNS, doz. 1Sc Coffee Cake (Buttermade) 10c Cinnamon Rolls, per doz. 15c 2 doz.

25c Honey-Nut Bars, per doz. 15c Buttermade Cookies. doz. 10c Whipped Cream Puffs 3 for 10c HOME BAKED BEANSper quart 15c YOUR Home Bakery Makers of Home- Made Bread and Made Cookies Alumni Athletic Show and Dance FOUR HOURS OF FUN Opera House, Nashua Thursday, Mar. 8 From Seven to Eleven GIRLS BASKETBALL Alumni vs.

High School Game starts at 7 p. m. COMEDY BASKETBALL Toonerville vs. Our Gang 10 minutes of Hilarity BOYS BASKETBALL Alumni vs. High School BOXING between halves boys game Battling Don Hayward Vs.

The Mystery Man Followed by DANCING Until 11 p. m. All for 25c to H. 5c, Proceeds to be used for cleaning and. repairing basketball cquipment.

Minerva; I'll box de everlastin' jaws -M. E. Activity, March 9. 1 Mrs. A.

D. Leaman speut day and Saturday with friends in Waterloo. The Clyde Laylin Camily were visitors at the home of Sunday Mrs. L. P.

Coffman and Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mead moved last week to a farm near Marble Rock. The people of the community will find them congenial neighbors.

Wesley Foster, who now lives at the 1.0.0.F. home at Mason City, recently underwent 3 very serious operation. and is quite ill, according to reports received by friends here. Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Simpson, afnumber of years spent in ter 2 during which time Mr. S. town was postmaster and later associfated with Mellinger in back the milling business.

are moving to their just north of town and will again become tillers of the soil. The Friendly Society of the church met at the H. Nafus Wednesday, about 35 were present. Mrs. Natus was ill and unable to greet her guests, ceived by her daughter, Mrs.

Sarah Putney. Mrs. Fred Winter and Mrs. Lou Warye. Relatives and friends here have received word Velma Wilson that she is at from, Beach, Fla.

Velma. who does nursing in has been caring for a young man who been ill with the scarlet fever, and when his parents sent him to Palm Beach to recuperate she was sent along to care for him. Saturday was Tommy Chandler's 7th birthday, and in honor of the occasion. his mother planned a surprise party for him, inviting in a few of his friends, and those who were present were: Jimmie and Stuart Sears. Jack and Hallis Watson.

Edward Speedling, James a Watkins, Buel Canty, Junior Lichtenstein, Donnie Gogg and Dickie Demro. The little folks came at 2 o'clock and stayed until four. playing games. and later were served with dainty refreshments. NOTICE We have purchased the STANDARD OIL STATION On Highway 218 formerly operated by S.

B. Bellamy. Any patronage you may see fit to give us will be gratefully appreciated. IRA L. SHANK, Manager St.

Michael's: Catholic Church Rev. J. Olinger, Pastor. Passion Play and Life of Christ March -12, at p. Ad-' Monday, mission.

10c and 25c. The public is. cordially invited. Congregational Church at Ionia C. T.

Halbert, Pastor Morning. worship at 10 d. Sunday schooled 11.a. m. Please the change in time of service.

Beginning March 11 the services will be. one-half hour earlier. The ladies aid society meets on Wednesday afternoon. March 7. with Mrs.

Trusty. Methodist Church Notes G. C. Lusted, Pastor Wednesday, March 7--7 p. midweek devotions.

9-S p. m. in Friday, Activity building, a mystery comedy, "The Man in the Moon." Sunday. March 11-10 2. Church worship; school: 6:30 11 p.

a. 311. m. Eqworth morning Leaguo; 7:30 p. evening service.

Let's is not. true cause it is in the Bible. but it is in the Bible because it is true. Little Brown Church in the Vale Rev. William Kent, Pastor The Willing Workers meet with Mrs.

Ernwine, Wednesday of this week. The young people will meet for choir rehearsal Friday evening. The next Sunday will be at 12 o'clock and immediately Tested Formulas Used in our Chick Starter Growing and Egg Mash Or we will mix your Own Formula ASK FOR PRICES NASHUA FEED MILL 70 70 Phone TRUSTY Phone RUGGLES Specials for and Sat. COFFEE-HOUSE SALMON 2 tall cans 23c Coffee vacuum lb packed 25c CALIFORNIA SUNKIST SAWYER'S A-1 ORANGES each 1c Quality Crackers That Is Not 2 lb box Expensive! 21c GENUINE JELLO all flavors 5c Bran Flakes reg pkg 10c POST'S NORTHFIELD EVAPORATED tall 6c or Macaroni, Noodles Spaghetti per pike 5c MILK can HEALTH CLUB Green Tea pkg 11c Baking Powder: can 6c HAND PICKED. MICHIGAN COCOA 2.

lbs 15c Navy Beans 31. bs 15c FANCY BANANAS doz per 19c Colby Cheese 19c MAPLE CENTERS Big Ben Soap 10 bars 39c Chocolates per 12c NEW. FIRM GAUZE the Toilet Linenized Paper 5c Cabbage 4 Ibs 15c LIBBY'S) Red Salmon tall can 21c FLORIDA: Oranges 6. lbs 25c M.J.B. Coffee lb.

tin 31c Radishes 3 large 10c POWDERED SUGAR 3 lbs. 19c JERSEY CREAM Blue Rose Rice 3-19c FLOUR IDAHO RUSSETT POTATOES per peck 35c 49-1b Bag $1 59 Knee -Action Humming Bird HOSIERY BRINGS YOU new comfort Knee action Humming Birds extra long to take the full stretch of the bended leg--elastic tops that stretch both sideways and lengthwise--and an added advantage: Humming Bird's Knee Action stockings do not bunch up at the Full-fashioned, knit of pure, fresh Japanese silk, these new Humming Birds, styles 707 and 808, bring you hosiery comfort you've never known before--cleverly combined with trim style and new Spring colors. CLOTHING MEns and BOYS FURNISHINGS NASHUA IOWA following will be the Fellowship dinner. The young people -will give a program on All are invited. St.

John's Lutheran Church. Conrad J. Rebelein; Pastor. Sunday, March 11-Sunday school at 10 a. m.

Divine service English. 10:45. President E. A. Welke of Minnesota, of the American Lutheran church will be with us on Sun day morning.

The Lutheran Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Herman Jakel, Friday afternoon, March J. First Congregational Church Rev. William Kent, Pastor The Junior choir will sing a special number. next Sunday The young people's choir will meet Wednesday evening at home of Henry Scheu, from 7 to The junior choir will meet for rehearsal on Friday afternoon.

Will Entertain Chas. City Lol Nashua Pythian Sisters their husbands will entertain Pythian Sisters and their bands from Charles City at K. of P. hall here Thursday ning, March S. Card of Thanks We wish to express our bed felt thanks to the friends neighbors who in so many aided and sympathized with at the time of the death of beloved wife.

daughter and sir and for the many beautiful Ed offerings. Frank Marion, Mrs. Mary Yunker, Martha and Mike Yunte STOP GAS GERMAN REMEDY GIVES RETI Acting on BOTH upper lower bowels Adlerika washes all poisons that cause gas, vousness and bad sleep. One gives relief at once. At Leadi Druggists.

FELCO Chick Starter Tried Formula Fresh Mixed now ready. Start the Chicks Right EGG MASH PIG MEAL HOG FEED All Home-Mixed. Feeds COAL Mlinois Egg. at $6.25 a ton.on track now. Car Miller Creek Block Coming Soon.

SEED Our New Stock is now: here. Talk with us about' your Seed needs. Nashua Equity Ass'n. image serial: 2724447 image serial: 2724447.

The Nashua Reporter from Nashua, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.