The La Belle Star from La Belle, Missouri (2024)

at and of 1 Palmyra School Hearing Set A public hearing for the 1978-79 school budget will be held at 8 p.m. June 8 in the office of the superintendent of the Palmyra R-1 School District. Superintendent Roger Nelson said the proposed budget would be about $1.8 million, an increase of about $165,000 over last year. Nelson said after the hearing the board of education will adopt the budget. Nelson said he has 12 teaching vacancies in the system to fill.

In the elementary school a third grade teacher and a remedial mathematics teacher are needed. In the middle school vacancies IN THE SPOTLIGHT earned it. Philip Ross Poultry Eggs La Belle, Missouri proud? you bet! To a great group of graduates-our very best wishes. Lumley's Feed Store Fritz Tom Lumley 816-462-3515 LaBelle, Mo. exist for two sixth grade teachers, a special education and learning disabilities teacher and teachers for remedial reading and remedial mathematics.

In the high school teachers are needed for biology, ninth grade physical science, mathematics, vocational business and vocational agriculture. At a recent meeting of the board of education Mrs. Barbara Stratton of near Philadelphia was issued a contract to teach art in the middle school for grades five through eight. She has taught art for the last six years in Lewis County. Good Tuck You've earned a hearty handshake.


Gellen VETERINARIAN Phone 816-462-3242 La Belle, Mo. So Serve an ace every time, GradsMORROW'S SERVICE STATION Cecil and Harold Morrow West on Route 6 LaBelle, Mo. Wednesday, May 17, 1978 had been a patient since Monday. Born Jan. 21, 1888, at Newark, she was the daughter of Charles E.

and Alice Leland Mason. On Sept. 11, 1904 she was married to John Kennedy, who preceded her in death on Jan. 13, 1950. Also preceding her in death were one brother; one sister and one son, Lawrence A.

Kennedy. Surviving are two sons. Emery G. Kennedy of Pittsburg, Kan. and Leo B.

Kennedy of Edina; five grandchildren and six great -grandchildren. Mrs. Kennedy taught in Knox county rural schools and at one time was employed in the Gamble Store in Edina. She was a member of the Edina United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women of the church. She was also a member of the After Supper Club and Matilda Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star 411 of Edina.

SHAKE! We're proud of you and offer sincere best wishes for the years yet to come. Neisen Sales Service Lewistown, Mo. 314-497-2506 (Formerly Neisen Auto Equip.) A New The world awaits you, grads, Best of luck. Cottrell Son Welding 314-655-4306 LaGrange, Mo. The LaBelle Star Page 13 W.RO 200000 Circuit Clerk and Recorder Wilma Plant (right) shows Lewis County 4-H'ers how various records are recorded and kept as a part of her job.

She also explained how her office maintains copies of wills, deeds, marriage licenses, court records, service discharge papers, financing statements and which records are open to the public. Several 4-H'ers had a chance to look up marriage licenses of their Anna Cottrell (3rd from left) who works in the Assessor's Office shows 4-H'ers how the valuation of automobiles, trucks, and farm equipment can be determined by checking a listing book. She explained procedure for listing property and personal tax assessments and when this is completed that it then is turned over to the county clerk. Pictured is (1-r) Miriam Wilson. Joyce Graus, Anna Cottrell.

Blaine Emrick. Tena Moore, George Campen. Brad Farr. Jane Houghton Government Day Committee maintenance shop where equipment is kept and serviced each member). and Jim Dosier.

Lewis County Highway Engineer Roy Smyser (2nd from left) explained to 4-H Government Day delegates that it was his responsibility to see that equipment owned by the county be scheduled for regular maintenance in order that it function properly. The 4-H'ers toured the county highway maintenance of county bridges and this week. Barney is with NASA. He also visited other relatives and friends. Mrs.

Jennie Crist attended the Mother- Daughter banquet with her daughter. Mrs. Nancy Snodgrass at the Lewistown Baptist Church Saturday night. Norman Wenneker of Palmyra visited his mother Mrs. Dent Wenneker, Monday evening, and assisted with some needed work.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wenneker and Kenny ate supper with his parents Thursday and all en joyed some nice mushrooms which Frank and Kenny had gathered. Miss Lori Wenneker of Nelson ville visited her grandmother. Mrs.

Dent Wenneker Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Spratt. Debby and Kim were Saturday supper guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Mickey Finn in Quincy. Mrs. Finn, the former Harlena Spratt. prepared the supper in honor of Mr.

and Mrs. Spratt's birthdays which are just one week apart. Nicky Goings received a very bad cut on his arm while at the home of his grandmother Mrs. Winnie Goings. His uncle Don Goings took him to the emer gency room at St.

Mary Hospital in Quincy. It was bleeding very badly and required a number of stitches to close the gash. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen.

Robbie, Kim and Chrissy of Philadelphia were Sunday dinner guests of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wenneker and Kenny PAUL WASHBURN Auctioneer Service FARM HOUSEHOLD GENERAL AUCTION ANTIQUES Lewistown, Missouri F. L. Washburn Obituaries GLEN CRANDALL Funeral services for Glen Crandall, 69, of Lewistown, a former LaBelle resident, were held at 2:00 p.m.

Monday in the Arnold Funeral Home at Lewistown. The Rev. George Keppner officiated. Burial was in the Lewistown cemetery. Mr.

Crandall died unexpected ly at his home about 6:30 a.m. Friday, May 12, 1978. A native of Lewistown who had moved elsewhere and then returned eight years ago, Mr. Crandall was a retired farmer and an employee of MFA Seed Division at LaBelle. He was born on Jan.

27. 1909, in Lewistown, son of Andrew Jackson and Josie Ann Jackson Crandall. He attended the Lewistown Baptist Church and was a member of the Lewis County Grange. On Jan. 27, 1934, he married Catherine Lucille Kamper.

Surviving are his wife: two sons, Leland Dean Crandall of LaBelle and Carlie Glen Crandall of Lewistown: a brother. Henry Crandall of Hannibal: eight grandchildren; and one greatgrandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and a sister. LILLIAN E. KENNEDY Services for Lillian Elizabeth Kennedy, Edina were held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday in the Hudson-Rimer Funeral Chapel.

conducted by the Rev. Luke Turnbough. Burial was in the Linville cemetery, Edina. Mrs. Kennedy died at 8:15 p.m..

Thursday, May 11, 1978, in a Kirksville hospital, where she The junior class of LaBelle High school entertained the seniors and other guests at the annual banquet and prom Friday evening May 10 The prom was well attended with about one hundred guests at the banquet and a large crowd at the dance tollowing A thundershower accompanied by hail passed through this area early Wednesday The hail was about the size of small marbles and it doubtful it did IS any damage About 2 inch ot raintall was recorded Temperatures this week have been above seasonal normal. A high of 86 was reported Tuesday atternoon Outlook is tor a period or two of continued thunderstorms clearing and continued warm Red potatoes 10 lb. bag 67c toilet tissue, 10 rolls 89c: pork beans, 6 cans 00c: breaded pork patties. 10 for 09c: bologna, lb 49c; peaches, 3 cans 00c TWENTY YEARS AGO Thursday, May 15, 1958 Mr. and Mrs Marshall Clovd Ill spent the weekend at Meridosia They plan to move there later in the summer Miss Sue Green home agent tor Lewis County the past 21: vears has resigned ettective Tune 10.

to accept a teaching fellowship at Colorado State Teachers College Greeley Miss Bonnie lean Davis and Archie Lee Glisan both of Ewing were married May in the 11 Kahoka Baptist church The LaBelle Kiwanis Club members sold $340 worth of brooms mops brushes etc Tuesday tor the Lighthouse of the evening Blind a St Louis institution Eighteen LaBelle seniors graduated in exercises Wednesday evening at the high school auditorium Dr Ira Young of Harris Teachers College St Louis was the speaker Valedictorian ot the class was Richard Swartz: Glenna Jean Winhold was salutatorian Sara Sue Moore was named for the Good Citizen award. It Paul Ross was awarded his Ft silver wings as a paratrooper at Benning Ga on Mav 0 The 5-room modern home of Mr. and Mrs Arch Taylor. five miles southeast ot Lewistown, was completely destroved by fire Fridav atternoon May 0 The fourth annual FFA banquet was held in the LaBelle High School gum Friday evening with about 100 members, parents, taculty members and school board members present. Ronald Kurk was awarded the star farmer medal of the chapter.

Others receiving awards were Byron Smith, Larry Ledbetter and Sammy Oshner Honorary chapter farmer degree was conferred on Supt. Lyle Hellver bringing the number so honored to date to five. The others are Philip Ross, E. N. Haldeman, Henry Kitch and Elden Ewalt.

THIRTY YEARS AGO Friday, May 21, 1948 Virgie Golden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Golden and a student of Paul Morey's dancing school, won first prize by doing a baton dance on KIRX amateur hour held at the Reiger armory in Kirksville on Saturday, May 15. Mrs. Mary Hinkson, who taught in the Novelty school system, has returned home to spend the summer.

Harry Culpen had his tonsils removed Saturday in a Quincy hospital. Dr. David M. Rouse was the attending physician. Mr.

and Mrs. William Walters of Vallejo, reached LaBelle Saturday for a visit in the old home town. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oshner and family spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Snell and family. An idling engine burns about a half-pint of gas every six Congratulations to the Senior Girls of Highland High! Killer's Super Service Mike Rick Goodson 816-434-9318 CLASS OF '78 Keep that Rah Rah spirit! Bob's Barber Shop Bob Cawthorne, Owner La Belle. Mo. Well Done Grads! We salute your' achievement and wish you continued success.

Ridgely Farm Center Phone: 314-8534575 Williamstown, Mo. week. Smyser indicated his about 500 miles of county roads. EWING by Mrs. H.

J. Wenneker Mrs. Marie Carter, Mrs. Bessie Keller and Mrs. Elsie Woodworth accompanied others on the OATS bus to Pella.

Thursday to the tulip festival. They reported the tulips were just gorgeous and that farmers had been able to get some of their crops in. Mrs. Jennie Crist received word that her grandson Gary Snodgrass had undergone an emergency appendectomy in St. Mary hospital in Quincy Friday night.

He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snodgrass of Palmyra, and his father has been a surgical patient at St. Mary also. Mr.

and Mrs. Ronnie Crabill of Killeen, arrived Wednesday for a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Frank Crabill here, and his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart, and his uncle Mr.

and Mrs. Butch Stewart at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Dehner and Mrs. Elsie Woodworth attended Commencement exercises at Hannibal-LaGrange College in Hannibal Friday morning. Their mutual granddaughter Karen Dehner was one of the graduates. She is a daughter Mr.

and Mrs. Don Dehner of Hannibal. The mother is the former Geraldine Woodworth. Mr. and Mrs.

Marty Wiseman and two children of Reno, arrived Friday for a visit with relatives here. He is a son of the late Raines and Myrtle Wiseman and has several sisters and brothers here. It was his first visit here in ten years. Barney J. Conrath of Washington, D.C., has been visiting his mother, Mrs.

Jayme Conrath Old Time News From Star Files TEN YEARS AGO Thursday, May 1e, 1968 Some 130 relatives triends attended the open house on Sunday afternoon, April 28 the Knox City Baptist Church celebrating the golden wedding anniversary ot Mr and Mrs. Arthur Lee Walker Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Smith will observe their golden wedding anniversary with an open house from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday May 26 in their home at Lewistown Thirty-five percent Lewis County's swine producers tilled out and returned their report form indicating birth detects noted in their herds, according to Bill Thomas, local extension tarm management agent.

The report 15 part of a University of Missouri study of swine detects. State wide the percentage of producers cooperating is well above what the "experts" predicted. The Board of Aldermen voted Monday evening after brief discussion to reverse a ruling of the previous board and to permit Great River Gas company to install natural gas service in LaBelle. The LaBelle High baccalaureate program for the 1968 graduating class was held Sunday evening at the school. Rev.

Floyd Hamilton pastor of the First Baptist church, was the speaker using as his topic, What Does Christianity Have To Offer the Young People of Today?" Funeral services for John R. Peak 81, of Iowa City, were held on Thursday afternoon, May 9, at 2, in the Deckman and Butherus funeral home in Iowa City. Burial was 1 in Memorial Gardens. Members of the Community Civic Organization have finalized plans for a clean-up campaign for LaBelle, to be held May 20-25. They are asking that anyone needing help in cleaning up their property call any member.

HAPPY QAY! You're Tops, CLASS OF 1978. Farmers Supply Phone: 497-2214 Lewistown, Mo..

The La Belle Star from La Belle, Missouri (2024)


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