ommended you, c.iks not always Beware! hee! cits are white as snow, I ory Soap they show, 'i not, as good as the ind remarkable qualities AND SHOES tho bears ol the boot II I gooda FAIL Kip Boots for Fa the country, we wlUwnO oflleo or railroad in unl St mall, with all ohargeTfor I 111, i let) tS -stamps foot upon It, then wound. will nil your order i glvo us your tall addrew, cxle In your town wo wMti) 3 with the dealers who and shoe retailor or ealow will try town you In that COM, send tow. Boston, Mi 1 been misapprehension in regard to prices of let the fol- i explanation, correct it: iiH'i I (-(Jill sold throughout the flfj In $1 9 Oft 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 Co Stt A3 SOLD HSXE: $8.50 to $8.50 and up. el 13.00 1.50 1.00 75 DO 25 i A to do the OPTICAL business in all its branches, and it kee tl iKuiiuu I in nt BTW hfinuft Ir. the state, and can i 1 i WOrUl i 1 I i ijuiimont of speUaUes.
Hours, 8 to IS a. and 1 to 6 m. llllBBe 1 P- HUBBELL I Optical Institute, 239 Noith Main street, Decatur, I I I 6 Ip.Hm. Until ISept.C1. BIB CUT IN PRICES Of all ourJLight "Weiebt Men's and Bojs' Suits, 'We have a Large Stock of for Men and Boys -IN ALL THE- NEWEST STYLES! No old goods to show you at very low ptices in order to reduce our large stock.
All our poods have been reduced in price, and we can now offer splendid values in Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. THIN COATS AND VESTS In Silk Mohair, Alpaci.s and Wash Goods. Boys' Jersey and Kilt Suits, two piece suits, in great variety. Big lot of high colored HATS Sold from $2.50 to See them. OTTENHEIMER One Price Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers.
All goodsl marked In plain selling figures. Our Great Semi-Annual SALE Has And cverybodv should lake advantage of OUT Cut Prices to supply themselves with all'the goods they may want. The ladies should look at our 'ARASOLS Black Silk Sun Umbrellas Black Silk Sun Umbrellas a Black bilk Sun Unbrellas at The Ladies Should Look at Our BREVITIES. Earl Dunraven Is anxious for an international yacht race next year. The mayor of Paris, is fining all who break the Sunday law.
The middle vein men at the Spring Valley (111.) anines have struck. Axtell beat his great three-year-old stallion record in CMcaga; time, 2il4. The colored people of Lebanon, vicinity held a barbecue Friday. George F. Smith Is accused of bigamy and child-stealing at Texarkana, Ark.
Jim McCoy was haneed at San Antonlc, for the murder of Sheriff McKlnney. About 3,000,000 of acres in Minnesota will be thrown open by the CWppewa treaty. Canadians are Indignant at England's slow action in the Behrlng sea sealing oases. The Bigelow boiler factory at New Haven, was burned Friday; loss, $75,000. During the District Court term just closed at Belton, Tex eight mm der oases were tried.
A conductor on the St. Paul road lulled crook who tried to ride without paying his fare Henry Shtvw, the noted St. Louisnn, is slowls sinking, ami is almost beyond hopeolrecoveiy, John "VVullknotter was oauglit in threshing machine and fatally injured near Seymour, Ind. The Oklahoma Territorial convention has decided to submit woman suffrage to populai vote. Ex-Collector Tandy Trice ot St.
Joseph, is shown tope a defaulter to the extent of MG.OOO. Sammons, Clarlt Co 's'picture-frame fac tory in Chicago was damaged $35,000 by firi Filday. The Presbyterian Church at Handsbow, Miss was destroyed by an incendiary tire loss, $2,500. Verne Rowland, a four-year-old boy. was run over and instantly killed by a wagon at Cols'i Station, 111.
Mayor Noonan of St Louis has issued a proo lamatlon malting Labor Day, September 9, legal holiday Wm Duncan saw-mill at Metlakata, Alaska, wns burned June 127 It is a bad blon to tbe colony. W. C. Harnman has surrendered to the Louis ville (Ky.) police oonlessing an embezzlement of WOO In Boston. Kobort Boyle, of St Louis, deceased, leaves his estate, valued at $16,000, mainly to Catholic charity institutions Rumors of a raw war between St Louis and Milwaukee are current in passenger circles, andrecelvtj credence.
Captain O. T.Rogers, who tried to oross thi Atlantic in an eighteen loot boat, was picked up nearly dead from exposute The arrangements committee have complet ed preparations for thu American Bar Associa lion meeting in Chicago this week. A youth numa Cox has been arrested ana lodged in ju 1 near Knotmoster, Mo for at tempting to assault a five-year-old girl. Tne Louisville Southern canlilevor bridge at Tyrone, has been tested and was opened yesterday. It is tbe highest in the world.
Northwestern roads have agreed to withdraw the conditional rate between Chicago and St. Paul on traffic originating at Eastenuioints. The Berlin Disconto Gesellsohatt, conjunction with an influential Hamburg tank, will is sue Chinese loans to the amount of Deputy United States Marshal White, of South DaUotH, was acquitted on the charge ol perjuiy in the United States Court at Dead wood. At Coal Valley, Va Tugg Peno (colored) and GCOIRB Younn, who had Quarreled, met on the street and commenced shooting; Penn wat killed. Mrs.
Sarah Young died near Salem, 111., at the ago of eighty-three. She was tbe moth er of the fhst white child born in Mariot County, Brownell, who klllod a deputy marshal who wus attempting to arrest him for monnskininj in Florida, was released from custody for lacll of evidence. Cotton goods manufacturers In the Cltyol Mexico have formed a combination, the purposes ot which is to purchase cotton only in the United States. Governor Flfer o' Illinois has made a requisition on the Governor of Louisiana Tor Georgi Harper, who is wanted for murder in Alexau der County, 111. The reunion of the Seventieth Indiana Hegl ment at Indianapolis was attended by its old commander, President Harrison, and he had a good time with tbe boys.
The report is confirmed that Miss Huntington, daughter of the California millionaire, Is betrothed to Prince Hatzfeldt, nephew of the Gorman Ambassador to this country. Tbe clotblng of small-pox patients at Fort Wayne, was stolen and hns been sold to various individuals An epidemic In Wisconsin hai already been traced to tbis source A set ol saws were smuggled Into the jail at Cat ail, 111. Jailer Kelley discovered tbe plot and shot a man wbo was assisting tho prisoners, but he escaped. None of the prisoners got out. Tbe Parla Figaro asserts that Emperor William abruptly dismissed the request of a Strasburg deputation that the passport regulations be relaxed, Intimating that tbe request must be made in writing.
A flre at Fairmount, 111 destroyed Hall's Hotel and livery stable, five business blocks and several residences. Tbe flre originated in Hull's block In some unknown manner. Loss, over 120,000. The contents of the buildings were saved. An epileptic In a hospital for Incurables In Gbent made an attack with a razor upon the other patients in, the institution, who were In bed at the time He badly gashed the throats ol twenty-four of them, killing two patients and the head nurae.
TO MILWAUKEE. thousands of Veterans Go Through Chicago En Houte to the National Encampment. Generals Sliprman, Alsrer and Rnsk and Mrs. Jolm A. Logan Prominent Among 1 Them.
Toe "Old Gawd" from Washington arrived this morning in a special train ol eight Pullman oars. Thousands of old soldiers are arriving in everyitrato, and by night the city will be in possession of the Grand Army of tha Republic. General W. T. Sherman, escorted by Ransom Post, of St.
Louis; General Alger, by Mrs. John A. Logan, and Secretary of Agriculture Rust were among the notables who ivad to-day. 'Uncle Billy" Captured by Ransom Post, From St. Louis, and Given Their Escort to Milwaukee.
CHICAGO, Aug. was one grand caarp ot G. A. R. men to-day on their way to the Milwaukee campment From early in the morning their bronzed faces framed in venerable a hairl were conspicuous by their number and appearance in the the railroad stations and on the streets.
The Grand Pacific was besieged a i morning by Ban som Post) of St Louis, and on sight of the command's gonf allon surrendered at discretion. The Post was 175 strong, and was led by Commander Smith P. Qault. They marched from the depot to the hotel, preceded by Lieutenant Ross, of the Central Station police, and sixteen officers and a brass band, which played wr- time tunes till the police filed out by back door of the hotel. Ransom Post Peculiar Peculiar In combination, proportion, preparation ol Ingredients, Hood's Baritntj- rilla possesses tbe curative of tbe bast known a Peculiar In Its strength and economy, Sarsaparilla Is tbe.
only medicine of which cm truly be said," One Hundred Dollar." Peculiar In its medicinal mcrlta, Sarsaparllla accomplishes cores hitherto r-- General S. A. Alger. Corporal Tanner, who arrived last evening confirms the statement that he a not a candidate for commander-in- chief. He adds: "With reference to Beneral Alger, I can say that even if he Is a eandldalt for the presidency in 1892 that circ*mstance would not prevent him being elected and serving his yeaf as commander before he would have any occasion to go into a political struggle." The Commissioner of Pensions also stated there was no truth in the reported trouble with Assistant Secretary Bassey; that they had eaten dinner together yesterday and came here the best of friends.
TKL-EOBAPHIO BREVITIES. the title of "The greatest blood pnrttarww discovered." Peculiar In Its "good MM at Is more at Hood's parilla sold In Lowell than ol an other blood purifiers. Peculiar phenomenal record of Dooulinr 11111 1 4 no ever attained so rapidly nor held steadfastly the confluence of of people. Peculiar in the brain-work whlett It represents, Hood's combines all the knowledge which modern a en ln science has I 118611 developed, with many years practical experience In preparing medicines. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold brail druggists.
Prepared only byC. I. Apothecarles.Lowell, 100 Doses One Dollar BLANKETS ARC THE STRONGEST. RerattalllaokSllk. acnatta Black Silk.
Regatta Black Silk. at 820, worth Sl.OO at worth S1.2S at 98c, worth $1.38 A A and Colored Hoae Bl ick ami Col red Hose B'ack aud Colored Hose Jl ssts' Black and Colored Hose at S3c, worth 40o at 8Bo, worth SOo at 46o, worth 750 at 22c, worth 35o Greatest Bargains in SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ever Offered, Drlilng aid Trotting! 0 THst COUNTRY. time of the Mtt i i Ladles' Gauze Vests Wdoi Ladies' Ribbed Jersey Vests at 2Sc, worth 500 at 15c, worth 860 PECIAL BAKGAINS DRESS GOODS 100 Ptocea Best American Challle Plecca Swiss and Chantllly Floanoln(ts Pieces India Ltnon. Victoria Lawns and Checked Nainsooks 150 Pieces Heavy Shirting Checks JtJM Heavy Blue Denim nt ow i yards Turkey Rod Damask a 1 wcyarda Turkey Bed Damask at wortn 480 1I.W yards Linen Table Damaak Lt 0 wo yards Linen Table Damask at 48o, worth eoo HW Curtain PoleB Futures 15 to See Our Special Numbers in Lace GUI tains a fti 1 35 3 and We Invite special attention to our Wall Paper, OU tjloth and Shades. Carpets In new and elegant assortment.
No one should miss this aalo of aeslrable soods, wbioh Is tte greatest offering we have ever made of irood goods at Low Prices. TUEKB A MUllDEHf A Mystery that Involve Murder at Possum Creek Bottom, South oi Pana, III. PASA, Aug. News has just reached this city from Possum Creek Bottom, six miles south of here, indicating that a murder has probably been committed. Last Tuesday evening a nan aud woman in a buggy were ob staved, driving on the road.
In the oonrse of an hour the same man and the rig were seen driving furiously in the opposite direction, but without the woman. Later a flre was discovered in the direction of which the couple had taken. Mr. James went to examine the flre and found it was in an old deserted house. Officers searched the ruius.
They found a small pile of bones, probably those of a woman. Thus far there is no olew to the parties. A Nnne Shot by a Delirious Patient. WoBtTRN, Ang. About 1:30 m.
to-day Fred S. Nichols, living in rove street, Winchester, while delirious from typhoid fever, git out of bed, procured a revolver from a bureau drawer and shot his nurse, a Miss Smith, through the heart. Before he could be secured he fired two shots at his lather, Stilman Ipchols, but without effect. Miss Smith was trained nurse from Boston, who came yesterday to attend the party. rt jmn lands In OHeld for Murdor in tne lint Degree.
FRANKFORT, Aug. 24. The Wrights' examination came to a close yesterday. The defense waived examination in the killing of Dr. and CharleS T.
Wright was held for mnrfler in the first degree and committed without bail until the next term of court, which convenes in at Blobmond, Ind. KIOHMOKD, Ang. The machinery department of Haynes. Spencer church and school furniture manufacturers, was burned this morning. Loss, insurance, $37,000.
General Sherman. has the honor of having for one of it past commanders General W. T. If'-er man and the old hero of the fartou inarch to the sea was at the hotel to meet them. It was understood General Sherman was go the Milwaukee Eacai.ip ment with the Eansom Post, and before the boys had been five minutes in tae house every body knew of the arrangement.
They soon let the General know they were in the place. The "old man" came down and was given an imprompt reeeption ja the rotunda. The "boys" crowded around him eager to shake his haud and many succeeded. After breakfast the post escorted General Sherman to the Milwaukee St. Paul depot.
General R. A. Alger, of Michigan, and his wife accompanied by Mrs. John A. Logan, arrived at the Grand Paoiflo at 8: IS a.
m. and took breakfast They came from Detroit in the General's private oar and Mrs. Logan was registered as from Washington. Mrs. Logan looks well and hearty after her European trip, and is as loyally American as ever.
General Alger said his party would not even take rooms, as they intended leaving for Milwaukee immediately after breakfast The General said lie hai nothing to say for publication. General Sherman declined to be interviewed on the ground that he had nothing to say worth publishing. Other prominent, ex-soldiers at the Grand Pacific were General J. M. Rusk, Secretary of Agriculture; Colonel W.
W. Dudley, General J. S. Robinson, of and General John S. Martin.
W'a commander-in-ohief of the G. A. arrived with the escorting party at six o'clock this morning on the Chicago Alton railroad. They did not stop in Chicago, the oar on which they were being attached to a Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul train and continuing immediately to Milwaukee.
Immediately, after leaving breakfast table Mrs. Logan and party, consisting of General Alger and wife, Colonel George H. Hopkins and daughter, Colonel J. A. Rogers, Mr.
Grueisel, editor of the Detroit Free Press, and Mr. Davenport, editor of the Detroit Tribune, went to the parlors, where an informal i was held. Generals W. T. Sherman, Martin and scores of others prominent in the Grand Army, besides hundreds of the rank and file who a with their posts, filed through tbe parlors, cordially greeting the widow of the revered leader.
Mrs. Logan and party left at eleyem o'clock on the special train, Mri. Logai will be the guest of the Department Illinois, and will remain throughout encampment. She will then return to Chicago for a days. General Ettsk, Major Warner.
KUiaiT Vo with Vntnaiu. MiLWAXJKM, Angv noon to-day it was estimated that fully 100, 000 veterans and visitors to the Nationa Bncamr'nent of the G. A. B- had ar rived iu the dry. The day is a beautifu one and the Cream City is decorated it never was before in honor of-the bray defenders of the TJjnion.
Commander-in-chief Warner and arrived at 10 a. m. They were escorted to the Plankinton Honse bj-the Blair and Busendeubel posts ot 8t Louis, 800 Jake Kllraln has arrived at Purvis, and will give bond. Preparations are being made for the Pope's departure from Rome. W.
W. Clemenaon, an old citizen ol Topelca, committed suicide. Ex-Consul-General M. H. Phelan has rotnrned to St Louis Irom Halifax.
The London dock strikers to the number of 16,000 paraded the streets Sunday. Frank Hufeo, a Peorla (111.) watchmaker, round up a spree by killing himself. The old palace at Potsdam, Germany, is be- IngproparoA for the reception of the Czar. The loss of life by the Yellow rtvor overflow in China Is much greater than at first reperied. Tha Princess of Wales and hsr daughters, Princesses Victoria and Maud, are sojourning In Copenhagen.
0. 0. Lyberger, postmaster at Mllwood shot and fatally wounded his wife and then killed himself. An incendiary set flre to the buildings pf the Marvin's Giove camp meeting ground near Lowell, W. Vu.
It is announced positively tout tie Duke of Nassau has been betrothed to Princess Margaret of Prussia. J. C. Miles, under arrest at Gainesville, charged with selling whisky to the Indians, committed sni olde Firn damaged Swift packing bouse at Kansas City to the extent of One man was kltled by a fall. The dam of a reservoir near Providence, R.
broke and three persons were drowned In the floid which followed. Edward Azmann, of Cincinnati, killed Mrs. Bertha Elfl in Indianapolis and made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide. Carlos Graham performed the leat of going through the Niagara whirlpool rapids la a barrel Sunday. He itill lives.
Mr. Gladstone has gone to Hawarden, where he expected to entertain a thousand of the ten- antry at his home Monday, The Cincinnati-Brooklyn ball game was stopped by the Hamilton authorities Sunday and all the players were fined. The Hafner Mar.nfaoturlnn Company's sush, door and blind works, in St. Louis, were do- troyed by flre Sunday; loss, I80.00U. Henry 3.
Dretlling, of St. Louis, has been rresteu on a charge of embezzling funds ool- ected for the Jffiorrell Drug Company. Albert King, of Marshfleld, was serious- and probably, fatally wounded while at- emptlng to jump from a moving train. The works of the Whlttaker Pressed Brick Company at Vance, were burned Sunday vcnlng. The loss Is insured forM.OOO.
Philemon Bliss, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court of Missouri, and dean of the Missouri Law University, died in St. Paul, Sun- lay, aged eighty-six. Dispatches from Egypt say that a famine prevails at Khartoum, Kassala, Tokar and ither river towns. The survivors are laid feeding upon the bodies of the dead. The cells of the 760 oonvlots ic the Northern Indiana penitentiary at Michigan City will be Humiliated by electricity after September 1.
'Lights out" will be promptly obeyed then. The North German Gazette, recurring to the of the Emln relief expedition, hints that Dr. Peters would have pushed tha expedition beyond the sphere of German Interest. The Chicago, Burlington Qulncy road hat been oued by the Baker Wire Company, of Des Molnes, for 1888.23 paid as rebates on freight, which plaintiff the road should not have charged. John B.
Hunt, an Englishman, twenty-three years of age, shot himself through the heart at residence In New York City. Despondency the supposed cause. His wile is thought to live in Louisville, Ky. The funeral, at Boston, of Horace Beaver, late editor of the Investigator, was held at Paine Memorial Hall Sunday. Robert Inger- delivered an eulogy, according to the request of the deceased.
The breach-of-promlse proceedings at Laporto, of Dora Chrlstman, a prominent society young lady, against Peter Grebner, a young Business man. have suadenly by withdrawal of tha complaint. The National Bakers' Union -held a meeting In New York and resolved to continue the embargo against Schultz, of Brooklyn. Percy Rockwell and the bakery of New York. Their action was indorsed by the Central Labor Union.
A sensational suicide occurred at Saglnaw City, Mich Sunday. Julius Himmerman, a prominent young man, shot himself through the heart in his room. It Is said he was Infatuated beautiful young lady rejected his suit. Plro broke out Sunday afternoon In Davenport's mill at Philadelphia, causing losses follows: loekhart carpet manufacturers, Robert Lewis, upholstery Hoods, Roland H. Smith, cloth building, (9,000.
For the put month a gang of professional have been raiding ohioken- houses at night In Marshall, there being In all about 6M of tbe fowls stolen. Sunday evening Robert Vaughan, one -of tbe was arrested and placed in jail. Mr. John Taylor flned fifteen costs In London lor neglecting to pay the servants' tax which he should have paid on the man servant he The funny part of the ctory is that this Mr. Taylor who keeps a man the Prince of Wales' footmtn.
Oallaway Albert Biley and Patrick Blley, three living In Douglass County, charged with malting false in order to enable ttarah Mclntosh tn fraudn lently obtain from the Government pen- mo have been united and (ail at Springfield. NONE OENUINC WITHOUTTH It Manned by WM. ATBKS SONS, make the famous Horse Brand Baker Those who use SAPOLIO often and promptly realize that A Stitch inHMSaYes Nine." Sapolio is a solid cake pf scouring soap. Try it in house-cleaning. BEWARE IF IMITATIONS often substitute cheaper gooda for Sapolio to make better profit.
Bead bock such articles, and insist upon hiding just what you, ordered. Enoch Morgan's Sons, New Toik WASTE MONEY On Lamp Chimneys Mode of common glass, when you can buy "THE JEWEL TOP," which will the heat of burner without breaking, for trifc more? Ask your dealer for ft and take no other. Ef Every Chimney fc labeled and wrapped pink paper. Manufactured only ftp lot i Ubtr, lint a Frtrittlc Start tradlcl JUNIOR, OIWDEIfc United: American; Organised In PhUndelphli, Hay It, UK. OB o( tali Order shall bsi To maintain and promote tho ot Alyer audBbleld them from the dopreanlnif effects of canmtlUon.
W-To American! In obtaining plojmeiit, Sd-To encourage Ith-To tain tin. America with, an Public School System of the Unl and to prevent sectarian Jiiteifl id uphold tbe reading of the Holjf 1 lited -inference tbm- ily Bible thenta. Territories, or under the protection sliallhave attained the age ol sixteen yearn who tiol good moral character, In the extotonce ot Supreme Being the traitor and Pmenrcr of Dia venre, In favor of tree education, opposed to of Oh irch and State, shall be eligible to membership, der tne provisions oi tho law In the State and" nate Council to which the application, made. that no person shall be received to beneflcial alilp who In over per -Sew Yoih, la, ID wnoifl uver FEE leM OianJl. Dl weaTMck benefits per week, rfeath 1 Councils located In Massachusetts, New New Jorsev, Pennsylvanli Haryli West Virginia, Horth It Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas, a i a a of en.000 meraben.
vi would b. ptaMed to corrwond with a who wUlliiterert hlmaelf In Council In tbtodty. ForfiirtbtrlJitormatloi E. S. DEEMER, Nit'l Bel M6, Ph Or FRED I.