The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

yseai yw 1 SECTION 2 HORSE RACING THE COURIERJOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1943. SPORTS Hunt Sauirrels Count Out Rest of Year Owner Thinks Chomp Will Have to Pass Fall Races Along Streams Kcw York, Aug. 16 (AP) hir Job aren't connected with ing important races usually con- "Fnr ih fourth lime inr hi a tracks and race courses, ducted at Pimlico, Laurel Park, For the fourth time since he The test hkely to be applied by Havre de Grace and Bowie rprair.ed his ankle in June, the boards, he said, is "where r. the compensation comes from." with an aggregate value of Count I ieet return to racing 500. was eelaved todayand this Fairholme Slud Sold Jotol purse distribution for the joint meeting, planned after tme he was put on the shelf Winchester, Aug.

16 W) transportation difficulties made probably for the rect of the year. -R. A. Fairbairn's Fairholme it impossible for the three out-Owner John Hertz the Chi- Stud, one of Central Kentucky's lying tracks to operate, would be C3o laxicab and U-drive-it maru outstanding thoroughbred horse $599,975 or almost $20,000 per By KEN' TAYLOR, The Courier Sportsman If you plan on going squirrel" hunting soon, first find a running stream, then a beech, an oak, or a shellbark hickory tree and then look for the squirrels. That seems to be the advice which best can be sifted down from the reports received from game officials and wen soia vo an nm- day.

tr.nounced that his triple-crown champ is galloping again after recovering from a second injury, but that the chances are he won't ready to strut his stuff in what is left of the 1943 campaign. The Count hurt his ankle Vit v' i the Belmont Stakes June thoroughbred horses under Fair-5 by a mere 30 lengths. He came bairn's ownership, including Gal-cut of that one. 8nd it appeared lahadion, winner of the 1940 t.Ft Trainer Don Cameron, with Kentucky Derby. Eleven Fair-f fast work, might get him holme yearlings sold at auction ready for the Arlington Classic, at Lexington last week for This plan finally was ruled out, 200, an average of $6,745 each, snd at the time Hertz said the stable was pointing him either for 29 Stakes Listed te Travers.

which was run lvt ,4. Surdav, or the American Derby. Baltimore, 16 Mary- to be un at Washington rark 8 four rnajor racing associa- lalr-r this month About that tions announced today a schedule RAN ONE-TWO IN EASTERN Margaret Osborne of San receiving the winner's cup of the Eastern Grass Courts Tennis Ed Moon as Doris Hart of Miami, runner-up, watches. AP rht. Francisco (center) is shown Tournament from Chairman not concentrate on either corn or woods areas and still are foi aging for the choicest of foods.

Anderson Scores Joe Anderson came back to town yesterday with five more medal places in a big pistol tournament. He went to Ana Arbor, Sunday and won first expert medals in four matches and first sharpshooter in another. He had a 195 in the .22 caliber rapid fire, 283 on the 22. National Match Course, 284 on the 22. Short N.M.C.

and 273 the center-fire N.M.C. for his expert medals and a 267 on the 45 N.M.C. for his sharpshooter award. Before that Joe had won the Louisville Rifle and Revolver Club's regular weekly indvr match with a 199 over a course of 20 shots low fire on the slow fire target with no spotting scopes, no calling of shots, and no sighters. Handicaps were added.

The complete scores: Handicap Score Total Joe Anderson 18 181 199 Ed Thompson 20 178 19 Jim Hatliff 4(1 IV 198 Raymond Wright 20 172 192 Garlan Graw 25 18 191 M. R. Moreillion 20 Iffl Sgt. H. L.

Benner 14 17 181 Grady Moss 44 134 17 N. 1. Gradv 20 1M 17S W. C. Walters 40 1J1 171 Charlie Flltner 30 141 171 hunters.

Reports from Steve Wakefield, director of the Division of Game and Fish; Jimmy Gilpin, also of the Division; Gene Wenz, conservation officer in this area, and Jake Brummitt, R. C. Brummitt and Al Wisdom, three Shelbyville hunters, agree that the best' hunting is along the waterways. For the most part the squirrels still are deep in the woods because of the hot weather and the facts that there is plenty to eat in the woods and that most of the corn hasnt matured enough. EARLY LIMIT Jake Brummitt traveled along Salt River in Bullitt County on opening day, Sunday, and got his limit before 9 a.m.

He found signs of feeding on beech, oak, shellbarks and buckeyes. His son and Wisdom hunted Shelby County along branches and saw plenty of signs, but it was too dry under foot and the foliage of the trees too dense. Gilpin and his party worked the hollows of Franklin County and his report added walnuts to the list of food being cut. Wenz. in his patroling along Floyds Fork, talked with hunters who were having less than limit luck, even though there were some bottom cornfields mature enough for attraction of squirrels.

PLENTIFUL FOOD Wakefield believes part of the less than expected success on opening day can be accounted for by the fact that, with plenty of food available, the squirrels need Quarters Billed With the field narrowed to nine teams, the City Softball Eliminations resume tonight at Alumni Field, Clay and Kentucky. A couple of quarter-final battles head tonight's three-game program. The Southern Coalmen hook up with the ion, unio, Dusiness man, was announced today. The purchaser was named only as "Johnson." The 221 -acre farm, just outside the Winchester city limits, has produced many outstanding of stake races for their combined meeting at Pimlico October 9 to November 13. Listed were 29 stakes ir.clud- Larrimore, Durham Win Losing the opening game by 3-32, the Durham, Larrimore team turned the tables on their opponents.

Wilder and Wessell, to take the next two by 32-4 margins last night at Algonquin Park to advance in the City-Wide Croquet Doubles Championship. Two City games are programmed tonight at Playsquare, with the Sailors meeting the Bubble Busters at 7:15 and the Testers engaging the Suds at 8:15. Chicago Giants Play Baltimore Tonight Featuring famed Ted "Double-Duty" Radcliffe, who manages, pitches and catches, the Chicago American Giants are scheduled in a double-header Negro baseball attraction Tuesday night at Parkway Field against the Baltimore Elite Giants. The first game starts at 8:30. for the Negro City Softball Eliminations which start Wednesday night at Beecher Playground Pvt.

Edwards Gives Tiller Scare In F. C. Bowman Soldier Pushes Monte to 9-7, 13-11 Pvt. Ernest Edwards of Bow man Field almost knocked another of the seeded players out of the Falls Cities Tennis Championships yesterday at Central Park but Monte Tiller held on lor a 9-7, 13-11 decision. The meet lost one of its seeded pastimers Sunday when Earl Gerhard upset Sid Appel.

Serge Birn won his carry-over fight by taking the third set 9-7 from Napier. The two were forced to quit by darkness Sunday, after Napier had won trie iirst set 6-4 and Birn the second 12-10. Other results: Alice Arterburn def. Carol McFtrran. 6-4.

6-2; Ann Huber def. Elizabeth Klump. 6-2. 6-3: Carolyn Harvey def. Maeg Wittmer.

6-4. S-3: Wilma Jones def. Joyce Pease. 6-4. 6-1; Martha Hennev def.

Mr. Charle Spencer, default: Tom Parker def. Art Joseph, 6-3. 6-1; Ed Buchart def. Faul Mao, -z, c-z.

Tuesday schedule: 4 P.M. Mrs. Ewine vs. Martha Hen- nessv: Clair Lee Dol vs. Carolyn Harvey.

5 P.M. Marjorie Boselle va. Katie Gerlach; Corp. Arnold Simons v. Tom Parker: Howard Ullum v.

Roger Nel son: Earl Gerhard vs. F.n tiucnan; Sevter Bonnie va. Serge Birn. 5:30 P.M. Alice Arterburn vs.

Ann Huber. INTEENATIONAt, tEAGCE. Baltimore 3. Buffalo 1. Other games postponed.

strong Tube Turns outfit in the first of the quarter tests at 8 p.m. whil the Tobaccomen and the Filterers square off in the second at 9. Opening the card is the Bonny-castle-23d Broadway Baptist struggle at 7 p.m., with the winner entering jhe round of eight. UNBEATEN Only one game was unfolded in muni circles last night, with the Mother's Girls overcoming stubborn opposition from Harvey Brown to win 8-7 at Algonquin Park and wind up its schedule undefeated in the Girls Southern League. Mother's will enter the Girls' City Tournament, opening Sunday at Bonnycastle, as one of the favorites.

Pairings were made yesterday LET A SERVICE MAN WHO KNOWS HELP YOU CARE FOR YOUR CAR KEEP IT CLEAN KEEP IT LUBRICATED KEEP VITAL PARTS IN Private Brcger Abroad By LIEUT. DAVE BREGER WEIR MOTORS CO. A Distributort WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 845 S. Third Ave. JA 2141 Women At Owl Creek, Men Polish At Seneca Joe Slalin and Gen.

Montgomery Entered In Falls Cities 'Twin' Golf Tourney The Women's Falls Cities Golf Association has a one-day medal event down for the Owl Creek Country Club today, and the men of the Falls Cities Golf Association will gather At Seneca to prac Gotch, Roche Battle for Longson 'Go Young Frank Gotch III makes his Louisville debut the mam event of the Allen Athletic Club show tonight at Columbia Gym. Gotch, 235 pounds, well muscled, and in his twenties. comes to town with a record of 204 straight victories and boasts of going undefeated for two years in professional competition. Not since Marshall and Managoff has any heavyweight wrestler trekked into Louisville with such a mark. The newcomer stakes this record against Dorve Roche of Chattanooga, in a two out of three fall, finish match.

This tussle won't be everything-to-go, however, as neither cares much for that type of tugging, preferring the scientific scrapping. Promoter Heywood Allen plans to pit the winner against William "Wild Bill" Longson on the following Tuesday night, August 24, at Columbia Gym. Allen already has Longson under option for date. In the supporting session for the Roche-Gotch tilt, Allen will feature another service star. Sailor Blassie of the U.

S. Navy. Based at St. Louis, the seaman will rattle over to Louisville on one-night leave to battle Senor Cherry Vallina, 238-pound Spaniard, for two out of three falls, with an hour limit. Opening the show will be a one-fall.

30-minute scrap between Bob Castle, winner in his local bow a couple of weeks ago, and Bill Caney, from Birmingham, starting at 8:30 o'clock. L.J a grease job Trim Stepper Jockarando 113 I3 108 Gold Fancy 101 Silver B. (2) -118 'Valdina Marge 104 Kenosha 109 5 allow; 3 ap; 6 f. Qulen Es (3) 114 'Harvard Stinging Bee 114 Square (1) 112 fa*g 105 Leslie Jarvls 114 Bold Chance 117 'Volcano 102 Bob's Dream 114 Joe Schenck (2) 114 ft S3, 500; allow: S-y-o; l.s in. Alquest 108 'Philadelphia Co-ordinator .103 (I) in Eniscorthy 103 Kanooolis 108 Wheatstraw (2) 11:.

Big Boss (3) 108 elmg: 8 op; 1 f. Gold Mike 2 .118 'Technician 105 Quizile (3) 111 Rockhesive 110 Hoosier 106 Lum's Pride 110 Chief Bad 1 114 Putitthere 115 Joan 111 Bashful Duck 110 Super Justice 1 1.500 1 clmg: 4 aV'ap; V't m. Sweepalot 113 "Perplex 2 110 Jack Vennie 115 'Betty'a Bob Beau Insco 122 1 Cannon's Discussion Banner 111 'Quercus (31 Apprentice allowance claimed. Track lis 115 110 DETROIT 1 6 f. Imps Wit 111 'Quick BubbleIll Darby Dismay Fair Georgia 106 (3 1 111 Oomph Girl 106 Semper Ege (1) 116 Saintly (2l 116 Ladv Bob 111 Cee Lot 111 Developer 111 'Top Class 106 Poojo 111 2 op: 6 f.

StarXerner 112 'Moot Question 107 Kempy 107 Cossack Post (3) 117 Vegas JusUce112 Valonl 110 Bvgones 112 Dennis T. (2) 117 China 107 Nabroj 107 Alfadilde (1) 117 811.200; 5'i f. Fayeff 109 Anna Mullen 114 Golden Ebony 114 American Blitx Papa N. 117 (3) 117 Pairco 117 Royal Canadian 117 Bank Book (2)U7 HI Henry 117 Mlnty (1) 117 Quick Kick 117 Gallahue 114 4 81.300: RU f. Clavbume 113 Hadi Tickle 108 Bursweep Steabyrne Wave Cap Frances W.

Manda .114 Miss Julie Y. Ill .105 Sorbonne 108 .108 Bomberess (1)115 .105 Hit Tune (21 113 .110 Skill Man (3) 116 5 I.5O0: Marauder 6 f. Like Aa Nat (1) 108 Valdina Punch Eugene 110 2 112 Three Dots 105 Cecil (31 108 Lady Rebecca 106 Indian Watch 105 Night Crawler. 105 1J. L.

McKnlght entry. 6 rlmg; A ap; 6 f. Crano Sallis .103 Bright Arc Media Lena (I) lo Old Grad 110 Gold Bubble ..110 Gallee (3) 110 7 M.SOfl: Rpltfnr 1 1-16 m. Boot and 110 LI IAS SUN OK Sugar 100 (It 116 Bar Flv 108 Uncle Jock (3) 1 1 Pistol Pele (31116 Harel Lee 101 Bebeja 96 Millo 107 8 11.200; A ap; 11.16 m. Air Sickle 104 Gayland (1) 117 Dream Boat (3) 112 Trave 107 White Bait (21-112 Jack K.

112 Ambo 107 (Sob.) $1,200: 11-16 m. Mango 111 Homeward (3) 111 Galorlta 106 Silver Ace 111 Three Rosea 106 Bar C. 1U that will make your trip more convenient-and will help bus travel do its big wartime job t-me. however, a splint appeared in the Count's leg and he had to lr fired. At that time.

Cameron snnounced that the tall, rangy son cf Reich Count would get bark into action for the fall stakes at Belrnnr.t Park, in September. See Draft Board Washington. Aug. 16 W) If j-ou wan't to know whether the nmdeferrable draft designation given jobs connected with "race tracks and race courses" applies to you, consult your local draft board. That.

appeared tonight, is the cr.y way jockeys or trainers to fny nothing of almost anyone else ran find out with any certainty jut how they stand in the draft, although professionals in other tig-time ports, including base-rail and football, know they aren't nndcferrable, at least not jet Albon Taylor, secretary of the War Manpower Commission com-n thtt mode up the list of rondeferrable work, when told that orkj-s ann trainers are paid by horse owners rather than the tracks, expressed the opinion they would not have nondeferrable trouble because, he ventured, the craft boards probably will figure Bowman Field Lists 6 Bouts Wednesday Baffo Eate Mix In Main Go A six-bout boxins program with a battle roval ft p-ocrammed Wednesday night rt F.owman Field as the final -skfyg for the Air Base's representative team that will meet Anr.y posts and air bases throughout the country. A couple of 126-nounders. Tr.rr.y Baffo of the 27th and Lourcllo F.aste of Glider Mechanics battle in the six-round main go. Two Negro 175-rounders, Corp. Westbrook and Tic.

John Turner, mix in the th'-ee-round semi-windup. Other bouts, all three rounds, match Preston Victure of the and Pvt. Martin Monroe of liesdquprters 147 nounds: Pvt. F.mest F-dwprris of the 27th and Pvt. Walter Emal of the Guards JSR; Pvt.

Jerry Reisg of 2d Weather nd Set. Johnny Moon cf the 27th at 136. and Pvt. Seho* of the Medical and Pvt. Henry Deutsch of the 27th at 175.

First foe to be met by the Bowman Field team will be God- man Field, scheduled at Bonny castle Field on Aug. 25. Officials hope to get Billy Conn for an exhibition that night. Entries and Selections by The Courier-Journal handicapper are numbered in the entries. Most likely winner is in capitals.

A PA slsrs: niu: 5't f. Viss Tuilahoma 107 'Sunny Ceres 107 SMnktr-s 112 Bie Rocket (21.112 Rose Cave 110 Adhesive IIS Th-u an' Thru 'Truthful Bud .110 .3 115 5 rlmr; -T--- Ttr-val Shawl 112 'Sunartan 1W Ton Over 117 Brigade Colors .117 Proadhead 112 'Honest Pal (21-107 Maiaro 112 Ozrle 112 p.rt1Ptahie 102 Gv Nash 3I117 Advisir.r Irene .112 'Prcey'a Boy 107 rated Waters 11I "Vinorr Drink .112 rViuMe Strike Bottle Kmeht 112 frttterHasj 1-H! Poll Pauline 110 Sir Greal 110 'Chief Cloud 110 elmf: S'i f. Cur-enrv ins TINT CHOICE Pr-vllis H. I'M 1 Boio Fanre 111 Shopper I3 119 Turner 113 Rkies Girl in Ki'chen Wiss Belva Slave 108 Vise Banr.y (2.11S 4 Mf: rime: 4- A f. tn-ocro Br-rtv- 105 'Brown Carse H) i3' ...10 Srrer.g lfW 'Seventh Site rm Knox 110 'Gold Pair 2 1 1 10 5 alsrs; aV 1 m.

Ta-honate 15 I Lrv Bndje f.inbit 1 1I i3i 10S V. 105 'Sup and Fish 2i 111 t. Giar.t Princess Ifk) Alca Eve ins M.a 3i 111 Cvclersma Djt Boy 110 Miaa Advice 105 fc.iao-Ta (2i in TLS'lmVjM Moms 104 Roval Blue 114 Iaaht Valae Brutus 3 118 (1 114 Ten Blow (2) 114 Princely Gift 108 'Chicony 111 JacKohana 114 'Silver Lynn 110 Fran 109 allowance claimed. Track, fast. SARATOGA I $:.: maidens; f.

Return Call lib lb By Jimminy oin llfi i2i 116 Triplicate lis Mrs. Pharned 116 "UeyanoKe 118 Historic 116 i3 116 Sphrrie (It ll Grm 116 Grier.llS Irrt Bav.le 1 IB Lou-bre 116 C'Kani inrer ..11 rTudor King116 tv-a Base 1 IS Capetown 116 'vo 11 if Pressure 11 lid lb Bounding Msnon Pow 2i ...118 King Kanrh and J. A. Bell, ih Pt Bra.tiey entry. Stable entrv.

I 1 1 rims 5 f. Rianne 111 rt'himbrel US p*rnpa Negri 11 Magdaia (2l 115 Hh Bit 11 Cleo Louise (3) 113 Ciiwic ll Parachutist 101 "Liquid Lunch ini U'uskenin 10 rumar il) Hopevllle 113 ree Air job fcardles: 3 abaat Hi m. NO Sri-ETTlflVS iaBifh Tint 130 Norge XL Vt JfcvaMw 4 Z-A. Gy, Kfflg Ffjtuwi SynJirtkr. Inc.

fighN 'Boy! Sure needs at 9th and Walnut. The winners and runners-up" in the three Negro leagues that operated this season compete in this meet for the city championship. Mammoth and Bowman Field represent the Baxter League Plymouth and Stith the Kentucky and Third Christian and Lampton the Church. Wednesday's games match Bowman Field and Lampton at 7 and Plymouth and Mammoth at 8:30. Stith meets the winner of the Bowman-Lampton game at 7 and Third Christian plays the winner of the Plymouth-Mammoth test at 8.

The winners meet at 8 Friday for the championship. opens Wednesday. cities Golf Association's Win the War Fund which in turn be given to the Nichols General Hospital. AIM AT GRAND Hal the 3 entry ee for the actual participants also will go to the hospital fund. The associa- Uon already has collected $490 through three one-day benefit tournaments and hopes to get a total of Latest entrants in the twin lournament were "Joe Stalin and "Gen.

Bernard Montgomery. Their names accompanied by $2.50 each, were received by President Gordon Guernsey Mon day. Guernsey suggested that clubs enter their servicemen members, and that business houses recognize departed employes by paying their entry fee into the double struggle. Entries close Wednesday morning. The payment of the $2.50 fee may be made through any club professional or through Mr.

Guernsey at 600 East Main. Two Floor Shows Nitely THE PLANTATION A Room of Beauty, Charm A Gayety Continuous Entertainment featuring thm RHYTHM ROCKETS AH Cirls Beautiful Dancers HOMk Or THE AMAZING DIORAMA The Historical Mural In Aetlaa On Walnut Street, Adjoining HOTEL SEELDACII Ford $19 50 New Motor Guarantee NO MONEY DOWN 3 I Free iTawing Tear Car Need! Free Cletch Nat Be Paid fen Plate LOUISVILLE MOTOR EXCHANGE W. Chestnut St. Phone JA 891 Alae Plymouth. Dodr e.

Chey. aV Others Opts ETeainra Till 8 Good Food, Drinks, Dancing at co*ckTAIL LOUNGE Air-Conditioned Cool As a Mountain Breeze a 3d Eastern Pkwy. MA 9443 12 Pocket Tables 24 Tournament Alleys Be Alert and Stay Allee 'I8M' tmmilv 1 ssssssswg.n8wMUiMwyflr Precision Rebuilt 4LJU 1 irzj rVfrrr Selections for Today's Races Results ADJUSTMENT Inc. 'ZJs Ft tray. iirrt.

wuy seofs tally un- onjy when sfPS ore of Possen. lunch and GREYHOUND BUS DEPOT 5th and Broadway PHONE WA Jill tice for their championship which held in June, originally was scheduled for this week and it wasn't until recently that the one- day substitute was decided upon by the ladies. PRACTICE FREE All contenders the mens title chase who have paid their entry fees will be permitted to cractice today free. Qualifying over 18 holes will take place Wednesday and match play will begin Thursday with 36 contend ers grouped in the championship llight. A wartime feature of the championship will be "twin" flights for men in service.

Each entrant will be permitted to designate a service man for whom he will play by proxy. Relatives and friends of the service men may nominate their service man by paying an entry fee of $2.50. All proceeds will go to the Falls viiin Vlrsr Arrive Ob Time 2 116 (1) Darby Donna ..111 Track, fast. SARATOGA 1 Campanula. $6.

8.70, 3.90: Miss Connie, 6.50, 5.30; Seal Rock, 8.90. Joan's Tip, S3.40, t.60, 5.S0; Col Crack, 4.30, 8.20; Flying Torpedo, 8.16. 8 Messarl. 17.90. 8.40.

8.10; Mlsa Drommond, 8-70, S.30; Minnas Agent, 17.40. 3 Branmlntan. 156, 24.40, 10.80; Stitch Again, 12.20, 7.20; Poacher, 4.70. 6 Flash, $9.70. B.90, 3.50; Second Front, 6.60, 3.90; Galtown, 2.70.

6 Baby Dampllng. $5.40, 8.60. 2.80; Go-Gino, 8.30, Fire Warden, 8.30. 7 Swlmmin' Hole. $12, 6 80, 8.60; Brittany, 8.60, 2.70; Fear Freedoms, S.16.

DETROIT Track, fast. 1 Janior Easton, $16.40. 4.60, 8.10; Sherlock. 3.00, 2.M; Alca. 8.86.

Magnetism, $32.40. 12.48. 4.26; Hindu Spy, 8.60. 2.60; Pink Gal, 2.60. 8 Ideal Gift.

$8. 4.60. 3.20; Wltcbwork, 8.60, Libyan Star. 4. 4 Patricia $..

3.20, 2.40; Bntoka, 6, 4.26; Spare Parts. 4.20. 5 Button Hole. 83.40, 2.60, 2.20; Brag-aboal, 5.20, Miss rakes, 8.40. 6 Throngh Train, $71.20.

22.60, 9.60: Larky Greenock, 23.20, 10.80; Ariel Image, 3.40. 7 Tramp, $7. 4, 2.80: Boom On, 3.40; Sarah Loraine, 8.60. 8 Alley. $23.40.

7.60. 4.60; Reaping Gem, 3, 2.80; Valdina Bishop, 4.66. WASHINGTON PARK Track Maddy. 1 Brown Flame, 88, 8.80, 2.60; Rock-wood Edah, 3.60, 2.80; Aagastina, 2.80. 2 Miss Monarch.

$19.60. 10.60. The Killer. 28.40, 17; Moonllte Bobby, 8.40. 8 Chlslam, 89.80, 6.20, 8.60; Nanny, 7.40, 4.80; Brawn Mate, 3.60.

4 Miss 8 O. $23.60. 10.20, Valdina Dart. ft. 8.60; Quaker, 4.60.

5 Zig Zag. $5.40, 3.20. 2.60; Lady Flame, 5.60, 8.60; Mercury, 4.40. 6 Sales Talk, $11.80, 6. 8.20: Pi rasa a f.

6.60, 3.20; Dandy Fox, 2.60. 7 Sickle's Choice. $20.40. 10.60, 4.60; Playground, 6.20, 8.80; Bold Style, 2.60. 8 Rosy Brand.

$11.40. 4.60. 3.20; Drol-lon, 3.60, 2.60; Hill's Palm. 8. A PA Trark Fast.

1 Red Fmileo,, Toara, 8.20; Don Miller, 8.AO. 2 Kala Silver. $1.40, 8.20. 3.10; Valdina Clree, 14.80, 6.60; Maudecn, 4. 8 Try Flight.

$.0. 2.80. 2.20: Snow crystal, 2.80; Gllmmerlee, 2.60. 4 Big Base 813.20. 2.60; Tha Nliam, 2.80; Rescued, 2.20.

8 Prince Gale, $7.20. 4.40, Tippity, 6.60, 8.60; Veiled Prophet. 2.60. ft Snlrkfelfrlts. $7.40, 8.40.

Enter prising, 8.40, 2.60; Iron Works. 8.40. 7 Devil's Peak, 87.40, 8.40. Childhood. S.80, 8.80; Jack's Pride, 4.

5 md Pmen, mid.w.-,. inni 'rove en? ry 7. Make 2. 3. 4.

5. OrfimT, 9ers. wth you. connecf ions. them 'Uncfl- Fociif, tn ar regufor Briansan 132 Admiral Jim 137 faiPost Hasta 142 'Night Bid 130 Matsonta 138 Little Rippl 132 Lady Mantle 130 Mor-Luc 143 taiMrs.

G. Bostwick and Mrs. D. P. Barrett entry.

5 lbs. claimed for rider. 10 lbs. claimed for rider. 4 l.SO: rlmr 11-16 m.

Bed Level 3 112 'Am 117 "Grey Squire Oatmeal 1) ISO 2 110 "'Pomi 10S 5 S1.SAO: rlmf it; 1 n. Green Apples 103 Gothic 109 Sir War i3 113 Sotr Ration Don Juan II. 1 IIS t2) 116 Top Reward 109 ft IV00 added 8 as: t. Torpea 3 us ibiRodney iaipneric jih stone 2i 11 112 118 116 if Jimminy 110 Spook Ship (a 'Sweeping Orbam 1 .108 ree Lance .106 (b 'Capetown Time Ringaway (21 -106 faiMill River Stable entry. (Din.

Aiontagne entry. 7 82.MI0; 8 ap: li.ra. Nipsickle 113 PTARETOR 1) 118 Blue Whistler 105 Waller 2t 113 Paperboy 113 Moon Maiden 108 The Sultan 105 Robert Morris Lord Calvert 113 (3) 113 8 fl.508; 4 ap; nam. Miss Mary Jane 110 la 'Psychiatrist .115 Over (3 113 Tacoma 2t 120 Kodimic U0 "Wesley A. 115 aiPnnce Jock .115 (It 120 V'mbril 110 (b)Giae Rex Stimuli 115 (1) 12 Thrift 110 (aiT.

Cail and R. S. Breton entry. b'Paul B. Codd entry.

5 lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. 7 lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. Track fast.

WASHINGTON PARK 1 elmg: mini; Z-y-e; 6H f. Alpledee 115 'Brief Sigh 113 O-Kurry 118 Caro 118 Supreme Bid 113 Carmeltown 115 Kent Boy 118 Little Minx 116 Dog Blessed (2) 115 'Deddle Bag Sentiment Sake 115 1 118 Hemite 3) 118 The Captain 118 Bockwood Jean. 118 Cherry Wine 118 Rattle de Bang. 113 Last Roll 113 Spring Glory 115 11.300; clmg: ap; 6 f. Miss Lexington Unhampered 100 Captain Fury 1 13 Kenty Miss 108 Starweista 1 112 Blossom Queen -108 Tlcky Otis 108 King's Error 108 Gay Youth (2i 112 Some Ad i3 113 Mismark 1108 Ltbertv Flik 108 Air Actress 'Shasta Man 112 New Glory 18 Tusco 113 Praetorian 113 Gummed Up 108 3 11.500; time: mdntt 1-y-a; 6 f.

Kind Sir ..118 'Liberty Flash 107 Lone, Chance. 105 Km Kiss 112 Carlastsr 112 MEANDYOU Very Fair 15 (I) Overtake 112 Riot Call 107 Romulus (2 112 'General Lawrelde 1C7 Sickle 3 113 Alpine Sinon 112 Lady Mamie 107 Georgia Tod 107 4 St.3oe: elms: 8 A an: 1U m. tVan Man Ill4 -Hl-Kid 109 Aioino mgn xaient 111 Crueibenna 109 RHinnn inn 113 Wild Oats 116 "i Mia 1 'Maw ins CbocoUte HHi 109 plxu tna nandfe the r. nme ias aaa..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


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The Courier Journal will now be printed and trucked in from Indianapolis. Its current printing presses, opened in 2004, will be closed and dismantled. "It's the end of an era," News Director Mike Trautmann said. "But make no mistake, The Courier Journal is here to stay — just as it has been the past 153 years.

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How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-866-2211.

Who owns the journal and courier? ›

The Lafayette Journal & Courier is a daily newspaper owned by Gannett, serving Lafayette, Indiana, and the surrounding communities.

Is the courier a daily paper? ›

The Courier (Dundee) is a British daily newspaper published in Dundee, Scotland, UK.

How to read WSJ articles online? ›

Articles will be listed by date in a database. We recommend going to the WSJ website ( first to identify which articles you would like to read in full. The public version of the WSJ website allows you to view news headlines and a brief description of all articles, without requiring an online subscription.

What is the circulation of the courier journal? ›

Read by over 400,000 adults every weekday and nearly 600,000 each Sunday, The Courier-Journal delivers exceptional reach of every type of audience segment. On the digital front,, is Kentucky's number one local media site.


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.