the crowds is the limit of newspaper mendacity and At quite in Keeping with a consistent policy" of insincerity and deception in the discussion of political matters. To iterate and reiterate this statement cannot do' Mr. Gibbbney any harm, but it does not redound to the credit of a newspaper which claims to be the repository of "great moral ideas." Mr. Grim, if he but knew it, was taken out of the contest several months ago by the voters of Pennsylvania. In fact, he never got far enough in to be 'noticed.
Mishler Theatre MATINEE NIGHT, TODAY WILLIAMS' "IMPERIALS" BURLESQURRS With Harry Cooper. Extra Added Feature. "The Girl in Kcd." PRICES Matlneo, 85c, 85o, 50c. Night, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c ESTABLISHED MAY 21, 1881 PUBLISHED BY ALTOONA TIMES COMPANY W. J.
HEINSLING, FBItSIDKNT WILLIAM HAHMAN, TBBABB CHAlUiEH M. KELLEV, OBHEIIAX-MAKAOBB MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED FRKBS The undraped Barney statue has at least demonstrated that the people of Washington appreciate art when it is properly advertised. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF ALTOONA i CM Altoona Times is Served by Carrier or Mailed to Any Part United State, or Canada lor Twenty-five Cents l'ei Mouth; Time Dollars Per Year. Matinee Sat, Oct. 2 2 Walter Wellman didn't succeed in crossing the ocean in a dirigible, but he created a demand for his services as a vandpvillft Popular Matinee Children 10c-Adults 25c FRIDAY MORNING, OC.T.
21. headliner. THE ALTOONA TIMES David B. Hill, of It was that ambition that brought about the rulpture beween Cleveland and Hill, After succeeding to the governorship, Hill seized the parcy DON'T FAIL TO REGISTER A great many voters of Altoona, probably in excess ot jo rer will not be entitled to vote next month unless they tke the precaution to register Saturday, which will be the last opportunity given them to perform this essential duty. On the two previous registration days a comparatively nnmr vniprs presented themselves before the several i lVa macnine in the state.
After Clove land was defeated In 1888, the fight between the Hi'l and Cleveland for New York, is Dead ces for the delegates from New York to the national convention of 1892 was waged in the most bitter fashion for the following three years. I3y means of what has since been The Comedy With Music, "A RUNAWAY MATCH" Charming Music and Specialties, levelling Prices, 10c 20c, 30c, tNliAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY A Musical Epoch jn the History of Altoona, Monday Evening, Oct. 24 The Ladies' Auxiliary of-the Altoona Hospital Present Josef Hofmann The World's Greatest Living Pianist. Seats Now Selling. Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00.
classed as the "Albany snap con FOItMICR GOVKllNOll AND SEX. Axon rs victim of a mo. THACTEI) vention of 1892," Hill got the dele gates to the Chicago convention. He then made a combination Kvith Arthur Pue Gorman, of Maryland, whereby they were to Join forces MA'i-lAa JiMMtf VALiiiN TilN Jimmy Valentine 13 the object of the friendly interest of the Gate of Hope Society ladies, who have aided in his release. They show him a list of positions they have available for him.
At the Mishler Theatre, Tuesday 25. Seats tomorrow ALBANY, N. Oct. 20. Ex-United) States Senator David B.
Hill died at his residence. Wool-fort's Hoost, at 3:45 o'clock tills morning. For two weeks ha had been ill with a cold and complications. Last week the senator's condition was serious, but he had seemed to improve this tweek, and yesterday was in good spirits. Mr.
Hill's np-o an1 Vt and defeat Cleveland. When the convention assembled, however, ft was found that Daniel Lamont and 'Western (friends Cfleve'and 4iad made a combination whereby Cleveland had the votes and Gorman deserted Hill. This' act of "treachery," as he characterized it, embittered Hill, and -he and Croker del registrars, indicating a state of indifference and apathy thatjs not indicative of keen interest in the questions to be settled at the election. While it has been the experience since the personal registration law was enacted that good many voters too many, by far could not be urged to quality by any amount of urging, jnis year-it-seems that the indifference is more widespread than heretofore. This' attitude is entirely inconsistent with the gravity ot the issues at stake and the importance of the offices that are to be filled.
It is the duty, as it should be the pleasure, of every citizen of Altoona who has the interest of his city, county and sate at heart to qualify for voting, to the end that he may have his proper share in the conduct of the government. We cannot imagine any reason why any person should neglect this very simple formality, when it means so much to him and others. Those who register now will be entitled to vfote at the primary election next candidates for very important offices are to be chosen, including a judge of our courts, a full complement of city officers and several county offices. TU Tlmec nnnpfils tn everv of egated Bourke co*ckran to make a Hill and denouno- his vitality, however, brought about -fpeeh a suddon nhnno-o fu ling Cleveland. The only person in attendance r.t was lost, however, was nominated and The cratory and Cleveland elected.
the time of his death was. the sen ator's nurse, David1 Bennett Hill was tha last of the old line -politicians whn mna Hill served as governor of Na'v York from 1885 to 1891, when lie fcvas elected United States senator and served in the latter position until 1897. Although he fought Bryan in the convention of 1896, he retired Democratic history in New York state when the party secured control of the state government, following the famous stalwart and half- to his Albany horn during the cam p.inf 'a saying: 1 "I am, a Democrat the sPtr tj; i. I still very He tw "rs of Bryan in 1900 Oonkling, He years in fRead about wrecks in the news absolute contrm of th After -the defeat of Bird S. Coler Democratic party organization in the papers," said, an engineer esterdav.
and nine out of "every ten will say for governor in 1902, Hill said h3 was through with politics. Since that time he had attended to his that the engineer or fireman stuck to their posts while their" engd'io Ipractico of law and lived a quiet life at hia country home here. crashed into the forward train, If it Is that sort Of a wreck. "I'll tell ydu, whenever I see a col lision is going to occur, I'm going to There ore many ways to save money but the easiest and best is to go to Grant Sheffer, 1117 Eleventh avenue, for all your wall papering, painting and picture Estimates free. Stationery of all kinds.
Jump, mean if I can. And Xa hi every other engineman. and whe they don't it ia becaus-e they tlitt't. There must be quick action In most his political affiliations, to register tomorrow and vote next It is better to vote wrong than not vote at all. The individual who records his vote blindly and without proper regard for the issues involved and the personality of the candidates, may, some time, appreciate the importance o-approaching this duty intelligently and conscientiously.
He, at least, performs, according til his light, the full duty of citizenship. But the citizen who does -not vote at all is a menace to society. He has yet to learn that t.tizenship imposes responsibilities that cannot be lightly evaded, the most important of which is to take an active part in the selection of public officers. It is unfortunately true that it is the so-called "better class" which is disfranchised on election day. Too many of them jma ginethat politics is unclean and the result always pre-determined, and whence permit the opportunity to vote to go by default.
If they; could, but realize it, they areh-esponsible for whatever of evil exists, for they could, if they were so disposed, drive the corrupt leaders into retirement. Instances of collisions, and men in the engines must -make quite a num THIS DATE IX HISTOBV, state, and his bitter conllicts Ivvith the Grover Cleveland orefanizatdon finally culminated in Cleveland abandoning New York state as his home. As a fighter 'mil no superiors, as In the case of all men of his stripe, ihis enemies were iin-blicable haters, while his friends were Idol worshippers. Hill, in the very height of his sway in this state, was characterized- by the dose followers of President Cleveland as a "peanut politician," and the country at large accepted this expression h's representing the man for many years Since he retired firom active participation in political affairs, however, HJ1-1 hfos ibeen (better understood, and there has been a disposition to give him the place his talents earned for him. As a lawyer Hill had fctw equals, and he received large fees in many of the cases he wa3 called Into, notaibly the Molin-caux and the franchise tax appeals.
Begii to Rise in Kltuira Born in Havana, N. on Aug. 29, 1843, young Hill received an academic education and then moved to Elmira, where he studied law. Admitted to the bar in 1804, he at once ber of -moves before- we are able to make the jump. They are turning out some big locomotives these days, but the bigger the engine the less room there 'is in the cab It keeps big man busy to turn around ill them sometimes.
"Tlhat doesn't mean that we're cowards, either, f-Or -when the steam is turned off, and the emergency all-applied, that is all lve can do. That takes about two seconds and if we can eet off the engine before the crash comes, y.ou bet we're going' do it, "Sticking to your post always did help twenty-five years ago in the days of hand brakes, but stopiping trains with human is no longer any took an interest in politics, and that very same year ihe was made city judicial contest in Blair county will wait until its time comes." Just now the people of Pennsylvania must determine whether their government is to be turned over bodily to the tender mercies of Boise Penrose and his disreputable allies. attorney of He was a dele gate to the Democratic national convention of 1877, and ffrom that time until 1900 he was a conspicuous fig October 21. 17-74 -John Jay's1 "Address to the People of Great Britain" approved by congress. i 1797.
Frigate launched at Boston. 1SI0'5 'Great Britain naval victory at Trafalgar. 1S13 Gen. Hampton and an American force of fi.000 men entered Lower Canada from Lake Champlain. 1821 Jenny Llnd, famousi singer, born; died Nov.
188.7. 1S35 Anti-slavery convention met in Utica, N. Y. 1872 Under the terms-of the treaty of Washington the German emperor, as arbitrator, decided the Britisi Columbia houndary line question and awarded! Ban Juan Island to the United States. 1890 Centennial of the establishment of (Methodism in Now England celebrated at Boston.
1902 J. Israel Tarte resigned from the Dominion cabinet, 1909 The Spanish cabinet resigned, Moret, Liberal, being selected as new premier. ure at the big gatherings of his par ty. mlm iri Political scarecrows no longer affright the timid voter. He is not going to make the mistake of Voting Avrong this year because of a threat that he may not be permitted to vote at all next year.
He was elected mayor of Elmira in 1882, and in the 1893 ho was given second place on the State ticket headed by Grover Cleveland. As governor and lieutenant-governor, Cleveland and Hill frequently clash "Flreak names for railroad stations are almost as comimon as for post-offices," remarked a ticket seller at the Pcnnsy station yesterday Just after he had billeted a-passenger for Punxsuta-wney. "Take the name of that place for example. It as been the mythical abode of the weather for so years that most people believe that it is the Indian name for groundhog." The train caller then spoke up a-id said he glad -lie did not have that name on his list for calling out the various trains. Then they dug up a number of other odd stations on the time tables and among them, found Hokendaqua, Nantico*ke Wyalusing, Catawlssa, Sinnerr.iahoming, C'anandaiKua, Kish-icotiuillas.
Salamanca. Nesconenk Kis- ed. At the. election of 1884 Cleveland was president of the Every gang newspaper in Pennsylvania expresses the opinion that it is Mr. Berry's duty to withdraw and permit the Democracy to select a compromise fusion candidate.
United States, and when he resigned as governor, Hill, under -the consti- eutlon, lieaanve Prevvnis A woman in New York advertises that she can train the soul. She ought to be turned loose to operate upon Thomas A. Edison. He says he hasn't any. to that time Hill had been the permanent chairman of the Democratic national conventions of 1877 an! 1881, and it fcvas nOsecret among his intimttes he.
wa even then laying plans to be elected president of the United States. AH througli his career this was the one ambition Of Hill. -s i The man who is obliged, to be on the streets considerable at night was makirtj- a ftl.v earnest remarks. "I see," said he, "that out in Pittsburg there has been a big parade a Ipairtieipated in by thousands gotten up as a demonstration, against bias-, ph-emy, or the worst kind of- swearing. Now, I'm not a stickler for reform, but I am a stickler for a move.
RICHARD BUHLER As' the Hero of Wallace's Stirring Drama SEATS ON SALE TO-MORROW THE LATEST FAD FROM PARIS. Busy people sometimes find it hard to understand the activities of individuals who have nothing to do and have plenty of time to do it in. The man who is handling bricks and the woman who is tugging at a clothes basket fail to see the utility of a lap dog or a pet cat, yet these little animals are really valuable. There are so many worse ways of wasting time that squandering iton pets may seem, by comparison, a positive virtue. And now a Baltimore woman, recently landed in New York, is said to have introduced a new Parisian fad.
Women of leisure, she declares, will soon part with their live. pets in favor of dolls. They can put almost as much money into a family of dolls, she asserts, as they can into high priced dogs or cats, and the dolls require much less care. i For a mature woman to play with dolls does look silly, but there is an encouraging side to this latest expedient for killing time'. A doll isn't a baby, but it is an imitation infant, and when the if passes, and the women come to their senses, the next step wilt-naturally be to substitute a real child, their own or a borrowed onej, to fill the gap in their lives which the passing of this fad has created.
It certainly takes a courageous optimist to see in the doll fad.the possibility of a return to the old fashioned popularity of babies, yet that is what he must see in it or else abandon the idle women to the brainless activity of a life that is wholly given over make believe. Even votes are better, as- a permanent plaything, than dolls. WISE AXX OTHERWISE. man has a very supercilious manner." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "he can't even anywhere and everywhere against swearing." And let me say that right here in Altoona there is great room for reform in that direction. I walked up Eleventh avenue the other evening and at almost every step on that crowded street I heard swearing of the wickedest kind.
Men who ought to know better, young nen who were the worst offenders, thinking it smart to embroider their remarks with curses, and occasionally a -woman or girl, who should- have been ashamed to use such language as assailed my ears. Then there were the small boys -who should have been at home, but were tramping the streets using curses that wer emost horrible. Occasionally I overheadr a small girl swear, tout they (were very few. At all events it seemed to me that Altoona had more than its share of swearing people, and a demonstration against profanity suca as was he'd In Pittsburg would not come amiss In Altoona," And, sad to say, the man was only telling what is apparent to anybody who Is on the streets at night in Altoona. say it a pleasant day witnoui seeming to patronize the climate." Diamonds Madam, thou errest; I say, there is no darkness but ignorance; in which thou art- more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog.
Shakespeare. "What's the little boy?" "M'maw's gone an drowned all the kittens." "Dear! dear! Nowthat'a too bad." "Yep, she p-promised boo hoo! 'at I c'u'd do it." Harper's Weekly. Bill "My doctor says yawning caused by a deficiency in tha air supply to the lungs." Jill "Thafa funny, for a fellow usually does his best yawning when somebody is pumping 'hot aid' into him." Touk. Washington Star. Work for immortality if you will; then wait for it.
Timothy Titeomlb-. "My wife is suing me for divorce," sighed the man. "I wish I were dead." "Cheer up, old boy. It's a whole lot better to have your wife spending alimony than life insur c-is Statesman. X.
G. P. STAFF APPOINTMENTS ance. 'Detroit Free Press. Keep the imagination jane that is one of the truest conditions of communion with heaven.
Haw Jfojor Willinm Sharpe, of WilkCs- The most fascinating and beautiful of all gems. Here you have the assurance of the right prices. Our range of choice is -broad, and choosing is easy. Remember, Diamond buying is greatly a matter of confidence. Our name is guarantee of satisfactioa W.F.
Sellers Jewelers Mf. Opticians 140S Eleventh Avenue "Yes, sir," said the old lady behind the stand in the Green avenue market, "I guess you'll find those chestnuts to be the real thing. We gathered them the woods near Duncansville and there is where tha best wild ones come from. No cultivated chestnuts for me. They look nice and some people think they nice, but they haven't the flavor of Uarre Is Made Iilentenant Wolfe HARRISBURO, Oct.
orders for stfaff ta.ppointm.ent9, were issued flrom National Guard Major William Sharpe, adjutai't headqvtirters tonjight as follows: general's department, of Wilkes- thorne. "Why do you make that patient wait three hours every day in your needs rest," explained the doctol-, "and that is the only way I can compel him to take it." Louisville Courier-Journal. Whether or not the stenographer who follows Clarence O. Gibboney about the state and attends every meeting addressed by him, to the great annoyance of the speaker, is in the pay of Senator Penrose or another does not affect the vital, issues of the campaign in the slightest degree. Yet at least one journalistic mouthpiece of the gang indicates a disposition to discuss this in Barre.
made leutenant colonel, ana a fat wild chestnut, ana tney aon give satisfaction. We can sell all iwe can get and at good prices. The also The mind that is unfed is unstored. B. P.
Whipple. price this year is from 2d to 20 assigned to headquarters division. Captain Matthew JL Taggert, adjutant Twelfth Infantry, of Sunbury, made major and assigned headquarters of the Third brigade. cents a quart, you get satisfaction out of a pint of wild chest "We don't realize how much a lost it." Fred K. Urase, n.asion, apuoim- thing's worth till ve nuts tha i you do nut of a quart Of cultivated ones." The old lpdy may be riijht.
cident to the exclusion- or tne ntness ot tne respective candidates and other questions that might properly be regarded as worthy of consideration. To say that Mr Gibboney has "invented and introduced a capital vaudeville act" to command the attention of 'Thot'i rlrhi For instance. my led ma or and auartermasier, assisn- life Is" in-pured for SlO.OOO.Cleve- ed to headquarters division as aid land Leader. camp. See Hafaara for Real Kslatc 7.